Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Softball Hitting Techniques

Softball hitting is one of the most important parts of the sport. It requires a lot of practice to achieve one’s  potential and beyond. Unfortunately a lot of coaches do not teach proper hitting techniques.  Hitting can be very  frustrating when you are batting against a pitcher who is one of the best.  Below are some Softball Hitting Instructions that can be helpful:

Bat: Choosing a bat can be a difficult decision. The bat should not be to heavy or light. A bat that is to heavy will reduce your bat speed. To light can cause you to swing to quickly.

Stance: Players make use of different stances. When you stand make sure you are comfortable and the weight is evenly distributed on the front part of your feet. Keep your feet parallel to the direction of home plate. A little more than shoulder width apart, dig them in.

Grip: Grip the bat in a way that is  not too tight or too loose. Hold the bat comfortably.  While gripping the bat, the  middle knuckles do not have to be lined up ( unless you like too ) – this is a very old theory. Most hitters do not line up their middle knuckles. Do not bury the bat in the back of your palms. The bat should be placed more toward your fingers.

As the pitcher moves towards the release, the hitter starts to make some preparatory movement called a stride. The stride should be soft, straight and short. The stride takes place just before the pitcher releases the ball. Remember to stride on the front part of your foot – the heel slightly raised. As you swing the front foot becomes flat to the ground.

Swing:  When you decide to swing your hands should move back and up ( short movement ) the hands should remain above the ball as they come through to hit it. The hands go down the slide, not down the stairs.The barrel will drop to the ball. At contact the palm of your top hand holding the bat should be facing up,the palm of your bottom hand should be facing down.

To learn more softball hitting skills the instructional hitting video titled: Mom Can You Teach Me How To Hit? can help a lot. The innovative 59 Minute Baseball Practice DVD provides both Softball Practice  and Baseball Drills  that can aid in improving your game.

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